Monday 20 February 2012

God is in control

How many of you believe that God is svereign? Do you believe that He controls eveything in your life?

I believe that He is in complete control and that is what carries me through every day. I am on a mission to love my life. Right now, I like my life. Part of me feels like I don't fully appreciate all the blessings and goodness that I have received over the years and perhaps that is why I haven't learned to love my life yet. I feel that once I get my physical fitness in order that will be a step in the right direction.

I looked up the symptoms of depression today and I had them all. This demon has been chasing me for a very long time - since I was a child - and I am determined to win. I am not going to fight this battle anymore. I am placing my life completely in the master's hand and trusting that He will fight on my behalf.

Help me Lord - help me please!!

Saturday 7 January 2012

My Fitness Journey... The beginning

Today - well actually 3 days ago - I decided to start my fitness journey. In 2011 I met all my goals except 1 - my fitness goal. So that is now number 1 on my list for 2012. The first thing I've done is sign up for a Marathon in my city this spring. I'm not going to focus on weight loss - instead, I will focus on training and let the weight fall off in the process.

Starting Point:
height - 5'7
weight - 189pounds
waist - 38inches

OMG that was hard for me to write!

weight - 145
waist - 29

What's my plan?
P90X in the mornings
run 5km 3x a week
eat clean 6 days a week